Year of the Yin Wood 乙 Snake巳 2025
The Snake is regarded as wise, but inwardly naive, prudent, easily scandalised and possessive. The Snake also symbolizes wisdom, associated with intelligence, intuition, and insight. The Snake's ability to shed skin represents renewal, transformation, and continuous growth, making zodiac Snakes practical visionaries, good leaders, and great thinkers.
Year of the Yang Wood 甲Dragon 辰2024
The Yang Wood heavenly stem is the first in the order of the Heavenly stems hence the reason for being extremely goal orientated, motivated and driven. Yang Wood types are symbolised by a tree strong, firm in foundation but also having a stubborn and inflexible character when imbalanced.
Podcast Beginners Guide to Chinese Astrology Book Breakdown
Samuel’s breakdown of his book beginners guide to Chinese Astrology.
The beginners guide to Chinese Astrology is a practical book that gives insight into how to delineate a Chinese astrological chart for yourself and others. All walks of life can benefit from this book. Understanding yourself is the best investment you can ever make. Living our destiny is the greatest reward we give ourselves.
Wealth and Astrology
In planetary astrology wealth is indicated in many different ways. The most popular way to look at this is the planet Venus. Venus rules what we value and is linked to the second house ruled by Taurus. This is the house of values, how we value ourselves (self esteem) and whatever planet we have in that house will be what we put value in purchasing. The second house is not only how you make money but also what you do with your money.
The Dark side of Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius 2023. Podcast
Pluto in Aquarius. Understanding the shadow of the collective and the power of individuality.
Astrology Romance Synastry a Chinese Astrology view Podcast
Chinese Astrology view on Synastry learn the basics of applying your personal day master element and house of the Spouse combinations.
Masculine Tarot The Emperor The Tower Cell Salt Kali Phos Podcast
How men use this cell salt mineral and the archetypal correspondence to the tarot and how to cultivate these energies to enable success in life.
Men Mars Health & Libido
Mars is about drive, it’s what gets us out of bed in the morning. It rules the adrenals and libido. A healthy libido function in a male shows that he is vibrant and healthy. A key indication of health issues is when ones libido is in decline. Men need to pay attention to this. Any medications that inhibit libido function will indicate we are on the road to chronic disease. Full chart readings will show how Mars is aspected and how to best harness the forces of the planet.
Venus Goddess of Love, Sex and Fertility
Richard Tarnas in his book Cosmos and Psyche summarises Venus as follows: the principle of desire, love, beauty, value, the impulse to attract and be attracted, to love and be loved, to seek and create beauty and harmony, to engage in social and romantic relations, sensuous pleasure, artistic and aesthetic experience, the principle of Eros and the beautiful, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.
Pluto Moon & The Devouring Mother Archetype
Pluto is associated with the principle of elemental power, depth, intensity. It intensifies anything it touches sometimes to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes. It rules the primordial instincts, destructive and regenerative cycles, life and death as well as power struggles. Pluto impels burns, consumes, transfigures and resurrects. In mythology Pluto is the god of the underworld.
Ba Tze Chinese Astrology Dr Jin Peh Interview
Dr Jin Peh Author who has written a number of books on Chinese Astrology. He has a background in Chinese Metaphysics, Journalism and Feng Shui. Join us and discover the Chinese Astrology.
Chinese Medicine Libido and Men’s Health Podcast
Men’s health is unique when we look at it from a Chinese Medical point of view. Join me and Dr Loudon Strang in this podcast discussing some key concepts involved in Men’s health. The topics are as follows:
Mercury, Hermes Tresmegistes the trickster and archetypes
The Egyptians saw Hermes as Thoth the transporter of souls. It was Apollo that made Mercury the psychopomp, the conductor of souls between this world and the next. The god Hermes could move freely between the underworld, the earth, and Mt Olympus.
The Luminaries & The Psychology of the Sun and Moon
The Sun is considered the Soul of the chart and the Moon represents the body. The Sun and the Moon are Luminaries and not planets. In Hellenistic astrology the Sun and Moon are “the rulers of all,” and described as having authority over the whole life. The Moon has a strong influence over the physical body as it closest to the planet Earth.
Jupiter Return in connection with the Chinese Astrological year of birth
Most people are familiar with the Saturn return cycle in astrology which occurs around the twenty eight to thirty years of age. The Jupiter return occurs every twelve years in astrology. This coincides with the year we are born in Chinese astrology.
Keys to Chiron in Astrology
The psychological function of Chiron is to help us understand our ability to integrate our sense of alienation and woundedness in order to take place in the world. There is a saying that if we haven’t experienced a deep wound of some kind then your are not an adult. The wound Chiron is talking about makes us human and whatever that wound has been for us gives us the ability to learn and gain wisdom.
Year of the Yin Water 癸 Rabbit 卯 2023
The Lunar new year of the Yin Water 癸 Rabbit 卯 begins early this year on 22.1.2023. The Rabbit is considered gregarious, but aloof. Avoids confrontation, benevolent, inclined to gossip and artistic. The energetic theme for the year is moving from Yang Water Tiger to the Yin Water Rabbit.
Why Study Chinese Astrology?
All walks of life can benefit from studding astrology it does not just apply to health practitioners or practitioners of Chinese medicine. If you are a business owner and looking to get the best potential out of your employees, astrology can be extremely helpful. If you are a teacher or a tutor astrology can be benefit to help students understand their learning capabilities.
Year of the Yang Water 壬 Tiger 寅 2022
The Tiger is part of fire element combination and those who have a Horse or a Dog in their four pillars astrology chart, will benefit from the Tiger as it will bring in a partial or full Fire element combination. How that plays out in your chart will depend on what Fire element represents for you. The Tiger also represents a travel star. It is known as one of the traveling horses