Astro Pillars Astrology

Dr. Samuel Dudgeon (Chinese Medicine) is a Chinese Astrology (Ba Tze) and Planetary Astrology practitioner based in Melbourne, Australia. With over ten years experience, Samuel has developed a great understanding of Chinese Astrology in the West. His studies have spanned formally in both Australia and Asia, along with having a keen interest in discovering ancient astrological theory and history.

Welcome to Astro Pillars

Samuel is also a renowned Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Melbourne; with clinics in Warranwood and Torquay. Classically, Ba Tze (Chinese Astrology) is one of the lost eight limbs of Chinese Medicine. When having Astrological Consultation, Samuel can communicate and provide you with specific understanding of life events, planning and how to reach your full potential.

Samuel’s Astrology studies have been with Brian Clark at Astro-Synthesis Astrology School. He constantly expanding his scope of practice and is influenced by hellenistic astologer Demetra George. Samuel has also opened his much anticipated teaching courses of Chinese Astrology at his school Astro-Pillars Astrology.

Learn more about Chinese Astrology with Astro Pillars Beginners Guide to Astrology or sign up for our in-depth Fundamentals of Chinese Astrology course.

Fundamentals of Chinese Astrology Course
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